Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The edge? Removed, thanks

I rode the airport escalator up from the main terminal floor to the departure level. Denver International has a very large terminal building, and the upper level is really only a balcony, albeit a rather high balcony, above the main space. As I stood languidly, the only person on the stairs, I watched the activity around me, and felt a glow; I hadn't a care in the world.

There's something about airline travel that makes me and everybody else in the entire world feel like Dan's graphic post below. So, yeah. So week before last, while waiting at the Kansas City airport for my flight home, I decided I'd indulge myself. I wasn't going to have just one Scotch on the plane, but a double. I wanted two.

Southwest must have made a change to their in-air service policies. It's painfully slow, but you know, I had my inner Buddha going: patience R us. Across the aisle and a couple of rows ahead, a young guy had something of an issue with the (male) cabin attendant. As I watched, it was evident that he wanted his little bottle of rum to go with his can of Coke. The steward did have an evident attitude, but I didn't think it would affect me and my intent to imbibe. He finally came and asked me for my order - I'd seen that they had Dewar's White Label Scotch, which is actually my preference among the blends. (The non-blended Scotches would be the Single Malts, which are almost always preferable to any blend.)

Anyway, I got it across that I wanted two, and was certainly willing to pay double, which was $10. I wasn't totally surprised that when my drink came, it had already been poured over ice in a tumbler-size cup. No two bottles, no control over the situation. One sip proved it was indeed a double, and I drank it, without waiting for any meltage. The flight isn't a long one, and service being what it was, I drank it rather quickly. I wanted the edge removed. And just in time for my happy little ride on the underground shuttle and my highly relaxed saunter outside to meet Cin, I was indeed at one with the world. I hadn't had anything other than a beer since before Christmas, and only a couple of those over the weeks. So it was quite welcome.

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