Friday, January 25, 2013

Silent Movie

I use my own laptop to do my posts on my various blogs, but I used to use Corrie's Mac for posting. The transition to using my own lappy happened while we were living in Texas, and one reason was because of the changing home of our digital photograph storage.

Which means that there are a ton of pictures and what-not over on Corrie's compy. We've tried setting a network up or getting a storage device that will hold all the pictures, but there have been complications due to the age of Corrie's Mac (it predates the Intel Core-Duo processor, so mass external drives seem to be able to format for it or mine, but not both)(stupid technology).

In any case, I sometimes go through the pictures when I visit that work station in the apartment, and today I found something I wanted to post:

A silent video.

I know it sure sounds exciting.

It's grainy and small and you can hardly tell the details, but it's also kinda cool.

I took the film with my Old-Reliable, my first digital camera and the one we took to Europe and have taken maybe fifteen thousand pictures with over the years.

But it's footage from August 13th 14th, 2006, which was a Sunday Monday according to my notes. It was our first Yankee game at the old Stadium, and see if you can see what's going on:

I caught Jeter hitting a homer to center.

I'd been shooting the occasional pitch-and-swing for no real reason besides data-collection, which is silly when I write it like that. But this time, Jeter hit a home-run.

Pretty cool first game in the Bronx.

(UPDATE: My notebook confirmed my suspicion that the game was not a Sunday night game:

Glued ticket stub evidence. I love it when my copious pack-rat-like notes prove helpful.)

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