Sunday, August 19, 2012

So...Calls won't be necessary...

Hey Dad, Dan,

It seems like I won't be needing to make any calls to make my case. Over the last few weeks, the emails we've been exchanging inspired me to start a blog where we could have discussions about things, or, maybe, start discussions about things and respond accordingly.

I was planning on calling both of you guys, discussing the idea with you, and then going ahead with the site. First I wanted to see how the site could work, so I clicked on the "New Blog" button on one of my own blog accounts, named it accordingly, and then went to try and tell it who should be contributors. I started typing "L-u-" and Dad, your name popped up, next to your email address, the same thing happened for Dan. After your names were up there, the prompt button said "Invite". 

I clicked it without thinking about it, and that was that. Dan's voicemail let me know that both of you guys had pretty much figured out the plan.

So...the background image right now is books, but I can change that; I just was looking for something studious. 

The ideas I had for types of posts range from sports to movies to books to whatever else you might feel like. As an example, I was thinking of making my first real post be a little bit of a write up on that Jeter/Ripken comparison, and in talking with Dan, another series of posts seem like they could come from the Tim Burton's Batman franchise vs Christopher Nolan's (which obviously lead to wonderful things like Beetlejuice vs Inception). 

Maybe we could choose the best Murakami book, Kubrick film, or Yankee center-fielder. You know, that kind of stuff.

Compelled as well I am to enter a city picture.

The new methods of communication...welcome to the New.

Thanks fellas, thanks for getting it.

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