Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Triplet

Okay Dan, you inspired me. I have my own set of three quotes with movie snapshots for your and dad's guessing pleasures. The only thing is, I think they're easier. Too easy maybe, but that's for you to decide.

Name that movie!

Number One:
"Baby steps to four o' steps to four o'clock..."

Number Two:
"No, a barbaric YAWP."

Number Three:
"It's just an interesting psychological phenomena..."

And, just because it's Halloween, here's one of my favorite cells from a show that Dan will certainly recognize, and that out of context is just as funny as in context:

"Nah, man...Aku: he sees you!"


  1. Okay I don't know all of them... but I'll give it a good chance...

    1. What about Bob
    2. Dead Poets Society
    3. No clue-- CaddyShack
    4. Samurai Jack

  2. Hah! Number three is from that "Darn those whacky white African folks" movie called "The Gods Must Be Crazy." And y'all know what? It definitely worth a look. There's an African bushman in it who is the only sane character amid the swirling goofiness. There's the scene with the Jeep pulled up a tree by the winch ... the scene where the guy struggles to go through a series of gates (opening and closing each by hand) and the Jeep has no brakes, etc. etc. I enjoyed it quite a bit.

  3. When I saw Bill Murray, it made me think immediately of Ghostbusters, a move that has an inordinate collection of my favorite lines:

    "Come on! Let's run some red lights!"

    "I was gonna say, 'Eight o'clock?'"

    "Yes, it's true. This man has no dick."

    "You, Lenny, will have saved the lives of millions of registered voters."

    And the one I like best: "I'm fuzzy on the whole good-bad thing."
