Monday, April 14, 2014

Charles Bronson - Ultimate Badass

Things have changed... I just acquired (through the magic of the interweb and my extreme use of 'Home Row') ten Charles Bronson films.  I might have to change my previously mentioned post and go to either a longer format, or a list for each film.  It would be hard to pick just one moment from the ten films I bought... I mean... look at it this way...

What's your favorite part of:

  1. Ghostbusters
  2. Airplane!
  3. Raiders of the Lost Ark
  4. Terminator 2
  5. Goodfellas
  6. Godfather
  7. A Clockwork Orange
  8. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
  9. Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  10. Jaws

One is an absurd number.  Just ask Charles Bronson... the only man to use a pump action 12 Gauge shotgun in a car... at point blank range.. and not get blood all over himself.

Can't get any more badass than that.

The Youngest


  1. "Don't worry, they'll be discreet."/"Anybody see a ghost!";
    Jello to the bra-less t-shirt clad boobs;

    I'll have to get back to you on some of the other ones...

    Michael, after getting the gun from the stall, barley able to listen to the crooked cops;
    Ah-nold with the mini-gun destroying police cars but not killing anyone...

  2. Henry's twitchy walk across the street to deal with the near-rapist neighbor;
    "Why don't you come and chum some of this shit," or the below deck conversation that gets too serious...

  3. "Uh ... we got company - cops."
    "How many?"
    "All of 'em, I think."

    Dan, very hard to argue with your choice of ultimate badass. As many Chuck Norris jokes are out there, they have to admit that Charles Bronson has the advantage of being able to act.
