Sunday, November 11, 2012

Couple Things...

Hey guys...I had a few random things I wanted to share

Dad, I finished Gould's Book of Fish, and I'll add a write up here in a day or two. Also, I discovered a Chandler Brossard novel, The Bold Saboteurs, and have a little write up about it here.

Dan, I grabbed a pair of pictures that'll make you go, eh, ahem (or yikes):

Less cartoony, except for the voice:

And, for both of you guys, a comparison that brings back memories of helmet catches and perfect season ruination:

Where have I seen that before? Oh yeah...

Hey dad: let me represent all the erstwhile and current heads in thanking you wonderful Coloradans for the just passed decrim law, Colorado Amendment 64. That kind of thing warms the heart (you too, Washington State).

1 comment:

  1. Okay, glad you got through "Gould's Book of Fish." I remember not being sure I totally 'got' that book, other than the real obvious stuff. Like, what did the unsettling, outlandish setting have to do with the themes of barbarism and oppression? Definitely looking forward to your writeups. Am not familiar with "The Bold Saboteurs."

    I thought as I voted for decriminalization that it was more a symbolic vote than anything else. After all, the Feds have a statuary framework for THC, and have shown no willingness to play it any way but straight, so to speak. However, one Congressional leader from Colorado, Diana DeGette, said after the vote that the delegation had some work to do - they had to approach the DEA and work something out.

    I'm reminded also of something my Dad said about alcohol (at a time when I was in college and an active toker). He said it (drink) was a gift from God. (I raise my eyebrows and blink about it even now.) I thought ... okay, you have to work kind of hard with grain, doing things that it took brilliant guys generations to figure out, to get whiskey. If you cut down a pot plant and hang it upside down in a closet for a couple of months, it's ready for use. But okay, gift of God, gotcha.

    Republicans and law-enforcement types tried to hijack the voter pamphlet, and may have succeeded, I'm not sure, in warping the arguments pro and con, but it didn't make any difference.

    (Maybe I better do an election post.)
